Creative writing workshop “Beyond the Mountain”

11-12-13 October 2024

Creative Writing Workshop
“Beyond the Mountain”
A writing course for adults
Organised by Davide Vanotti

The workshop has an open structure that allows participants to find their own, unique writing expression. To achieve this, the course adopts a literary approach to the work, combined with inspiration from walking the trails of the Valley of the Painters.

Il laboratorio parte da un’esperienza di lettura mattutina per aprirsi quindi ad una linea personale di scrittura.
The workshop begins with morning reading, then opens up to personal writing. Participants will be guided through the area, equipped with maps, dossiers, sources and locations from which to draw inspiration.
Over the course of two days, which will include opportunities for discussion and space for individual discovery, each participant will develop a narrative text, through which they will attempt to represent their experience within their chosen path. The material will be reviewed and revised at the end of the first working day.
Il materiale sarà confrontato e riveduto al termine della prima giornata operativa.

The workshop aims to achieve the following:
– Development of an approach to using available sources;
– Ability to understand and describe the surrounding context;
– Individual development of a short narrative text.

Minimum skills required
A love of literature, art and the world around us.
Previous experience in literary writing.
A wish to narrate and engage in group work.
The willingness to build an emotional journey guided by a creative workshop.

Time-frame and number of participants
The course lasts 14 hours and is divided into five sessions.
It includes two local field trips.

Friday 11 October: : 16:00-18:00 Welcome and registration of participants; course presentation at the Rossetti Valentini School of Fine Arts
Saturday 12 October:10:00-17:00 field trip
Sunday 13 October:: 10:00-13:00 field trip
13:00-14:00 lunch break
14:00-17:00 review of work

Davide Vanotti
Davide Vanotti (1972) graduated in literature from the University of Pavia with a surrealist, critical study on the work of Antonio Delfini. He founded Asilo Bianco in 2005, where he has organised the residency programme and the editorial series “Fogli/e Scritte” since 2006, and the Rural Cinema Festival “Corto e Fieno” since 2010. In 2002, he published the short story collection “Acqua 2”, and in 2007 the novel “La pietra sopra il mare.” He teaches literature, creative writing and film work analysis. He collaborates on literary, cinematic, theatrical and artistic projects.
Since 2018, he has led the Rural Academy of Corto e Fieno, supporting the production of short films with a rural-theme.
Since 1998, he has published articles, critiques, stories, poems and interviews in print and digital periodicals. He is the author of the “Corto e Fieno” blog and the blog “I diari di Malidor.”
Since 1999, he has participated in poetry slams and public poetry readings with his works.
In literary criticism, he focuses on the work of Antonio Delfini.
In 2024, his play in six scenes for a single actor, “È acqua ovvero il figlio della lavatrice,” was staged.
Upcoming publications include the novel “Oltre la montagna,” the short story collection “Carnevale,” the poetry collection “Cancellabile,” the fantasy tale “Urano,” and the interview book with the artist, Lino Tagliapietra.

11-12-13 October Creative writing workshop “Beyond the Mountain” A writing course for adults organised by Davide Vanotti. Register at, (min. 8, max. 15 participants). A minimum contribution of €75 is required to support the Foundation, which will partially cover operating costs.


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